"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him." - Mattthew 7: 7-11 |
GOING PINK: Breast Cancer Awareness Month |
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer While you can't prevent cancer, it is important to be proactive: - Get and encourage others to get regular screenings which are critical!
Know that the earlier this cancer is found, the more treatment options are available and the more likely those treatments will be successful!
- Understand that genetics, the environment, and lifestyles are contributing risk factors
- Participate in walks, runs, and other fundraisers that raise funds for awareness, prevention, treatment, and support
Pray for and with all whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer
Click here for Breast Cancer Awareness Resources
| Prayer to St. Agatha
Patron Saint of Breast Cancer Saint Agatha, blessed virgin and martyr. You are honored as the patron of breast cancer.
You suffered pain and torture in your devotion to the Lord.
Protect me from breast cancer and intervene before God almighty,
and pray for me so that I may be cured. Heal me and comfort me, and mercifully grant me protection from all cancer.
Saint Agatha, pray for me. Amen. |
CLAVER SEARCH: Use our web search tool to find local Claver units! |
Moving? Traveling? Looking for a near-by Claver Unit? Ask and you shall receive! -
Visit the Find Clavers Near You page.
- Type in the zip code and search radius (miles)
- You can also click on a district or state to see units within the district or state
Unit information including church domicile, address, and more will display
You can always visit the page by clicking "Districts & States" from the menu bar on the www.kofpc.org website Click here to try it out! |
THANK YOU DEACONS!: This Sunday is Deacon Sunday |
Don't forget to honor your deacons on Deacon Sunday, October 9, 2022!
The Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations Committee reminds all local KPC units to commemorate this dates by implementing any of the following: Affirmation Ideas: - Call/text/email/write your Deacon expressing your appreciation
Sponsor a Mass for your Deacon which includes a prayer intention
- Include an appreciation statement in the Church Bulletin or Newsletter
- Pray, fast, and offer sacrifices for them
- Give them a gift card
- Sponsor a Fun Night with your Deacon
- Hold a reception for your Deacon(s) to say thank you for their service to the parish
Thanks and Blessings,
Johnnie Dorsey and Joyce Lombard, Co-Chairs Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations Committee
Visit the Claver Vocations Page www.kofpc.org/vocations |
START PLANNING: November is Black Catholic History Month |
November is quickly approaching - how will your unit honor and celebrate Black Catholic History Month? Here are a few suggestions: - Highlight Black Saints
- Highlight African-Americans on the Path to Sainthood
- Read / discuss stories about / by Black Catholics
- Work with other groups / organizations to present events / activities
- Host a discussion / informative session on issues impacted Black Catholics
Participate in / host a Black Saints parade
- Host an Black Catholic History themed essay / poetry / quiz bowl contest
- Inform and invite friends and family to join our Church!
Significant Black Catholic Dates :
Nov. 1 All Saints Day: an opportunity to review the lives of the hundreds of Saints of African descent in the first 300 years of the Church. Nov. 2 All Souls Day: a time to remember all those African lost to cruel treatment in the Middle Passage crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.
Nov. 3 Martin de Porres became the first black American saint. He was canonized by Pope John XXIII on May 16, 1962. Throughout his life, St. Martin de Porres exemplified God’s love for all people, regardless of their level in society.
Nov. 9 The Knights of Peter Claver was founded at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church in Mobile, Alabama with the establishment of Mobile Council No. 1 . The Noble Order would eventually grow to be the largest historically Black Catholic lay fraternal order! Nov. 13 The birth of St. Augustine in 354 A.D., the first Doctor of the Church from North Africa. -
Nov. 20 The death of Zumbi of Palmares in Brazil, South American founder of a free state for Blacks
Partial Source: Catholic University of America
LEARN MORE about Black Catholic History Month
DOWNLOAD the Blacks in Catholic History Month Moments Booklet |
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