Knights of Peter Claver - Event Information
Event Name:
2024 Texas State Conference

Event Date:
5/3/2024 - 5/5/2024
Event Time:
See packet
It is truly an honor to invite each of you to the 94th Annual Texas State Conference of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary being held May 3-5, 2024 in Houston, Texas, the Birthplace of Claverism in Texas.
We anticipate a spirit-filled Conference as we remember our calling and purpose by meditating on our theme: Claverism: Living a Life of Servanthood. We challenge everyone to attend all workshops, meetings, and other activities to fully immerse yourselves with your Claver Family.
This year’s Conference provides the membership with opportunities to continue to move our State forward through elections of Conference Officers for 2024-2026. Therefore, we encourage each eligible Claver to prayerfully consider running for an office.
Once again, Conference registration will be conducted online via Eventbrite. You can also submit credentials, apply for awards, and submit advertisements for our digital Souvenir Book via our various online submission forms.
Additionally, you can offer spiritual upliftment during our Conference Mass by joining the Texas State Conference Choir and joining us for our first Conference Gospel Brunch Sunday morning. Finally, we are pleased to have Step Rideau and the Zydeco Outlaws join us for our Denim and Diamonds Zydeco Dance on Friday evening.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming Conference in Houston.
It is truly an honor to invite each of you to the 94th Annual Texas State Conference of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary being held May 3-5, 2024 in Houston, Texas, the Birthplace of Claverism in Texas.
We anticipate a spirit-filled Conference as we remember our calling and purpose by meditating on our theme: Claverism: Living a Life of Servanthood. We challenge everyone to attend all workshops, meetings, and other activities to fully immerse yourselves with your Claver Family.
This year’s Conference provides the membership with opportunities to continue to move our State forward through elections of Conference Officers for 2024-2026. Therefore, we encourage each eligible Claver to prayerfully consider running for an office.
Once again, Conference registration will be conducted online via Eventbrite. You can also submit credentials, apply for awards, and submit advertisements for our digital Souvenir Book via our various online submission forms.
Additionally, you can offer spiritual upliftment during our Conference Mass by joining the Texas State Conference Choir and joining us for our first Conference Gospel Brunch Sunday morning. Finally, we are pleased to have Step Rideau and the Zydeco Outlaws join us for our Denim and Diamonds Zydeco Dance on Friday evening.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming Conference in Houston.
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